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Planting (Hardback) by Terence Conran and Diarmuid Gavin
Planting (Hardback) by Terence Conran and Diarmuid Gavin
“Planting” explores nature's vast palette of plants, where they come from, what grows naturally in which conditions, but most importantly how they are used in gardens all around the world and how you can use them in your garden. Discover the simple joys of creativity and watching things grow whilst learning how to connect your garden planting with your surrounding landscape and your home to create the space that you want to live in. “Planting” looks at gardens through a designer's eyes and helps you plan your planting schemes and offers advice on the best plants for every situation. Chapters focus on what you want to achieve from your garden: Purpose explains how to attract wildlife, or create an edible kitchen garden; Structure suggests the best horizontal or vertical climbing plants; Colour showcases the best eye-catching displays; Season includes best seasonal scents; Style shows you how to achieve different looks from formal, geometric and wild to exotic, prairie and zen styles of planting; and, Conditions looks at the difficulties when faced with unique sites from urban or shady to dry or coastal gardens. In the final chapter, you will learn how to manage your garden and all about the practical aspects of buying, sowing, planting, pruning and propagation as well as container gardening and maintaining your plants. Case studies throughout will look at real examples of inspiring planting schemes in detail from around the world, going behind the scenes to discover how they work and why they work. Stunning, inspiring, imaginative and practical, “Planting” is a garden design book that truly reflects the unique talents and experience of these two authors. This is a true twenty-first century classic.
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